Bylaws as updated in 2007

1. MEMBERSHIP: Full membership shall be open to all licensed radio amateurs. Associate membership is open to all other interested persons. Applications may be submitted to the Secretary at any time, and voted on at the next club meeting where a quorum is present, or prospective members’ applications may be voted upon by the Executive Board at any time. Full membership includes all club privileges and rights to hold office and vote for club officers. Associate membership includes all club privileges except rights to hold office and vote for club officers. Honorary Members are members who, in recognition of their contributions to the CTRI Contest Group, may be designated as such by the Executive Board. Any Full member may make an honorary membership recommendation to the Executive Board. Honorary membership permanently grants all the rights and privileges of an Associate member.

Full members shall have access to the CTRI Yahoo Group for as long as that member remains active in the affairs of the CTRI Contest Group. Active membership is described as participation, in one calendar year, in any combination of three (3) of the following: log submission (listing CTRI Contest Group as the club affiliation) to the CTRI Contest Group’s Contest Manager from any of the specified CTRI Contest Group’s intra club contests as outlined in section five (5) of the BYLAWS, and/or work parties, meetings, or public events sponsored by the CTRI Contest Group. After one (1) year of inactivity, a Full member shall automatically become an Associate member. After one (1) year of inactive membership, the Associate member shall be dropped from the membership roster of the CTRI Contest Group and deleted from the Yahoo Group.

2. MEETINGS: Regular meeting dates, times and locations will be scheduled by the Executive Board and will occur as minimum at least once per quarter or upon the recommendation of the Executive Board. At regular meetings, a minimum of three (3) Full members, one of whom must be a member of the Executive Board, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of club business. A special meeting may be called at the written request of three (3) Full members, at least one of which must be a member of the Executive Board of the club. The request must state the reason for the special meeting and the reason stated shall be the only business of the special meeting.

3. DUES: The Executive Board reserves the right to recommend monetary dues at the September meeting.

4. COMMITTEES: The President, in conjunction with the Executive Board, may appoint any full member in good standing to head committees and appoint other committees as necessary. While a committee is active, the chairman of that committee shall be a member of the Executive Board.

5. CONTESTS: A list of contests that will count for intra club awards will be given out at the September meeting.