Next Meeting

Some of our members may not know that due to the holidays, for the last several years we have not had a meeting in December. I would imagine this year will be no different, and that the next meeting will be sometime in January.

I would like to suggest two topics for the next meeting, whenever it occurs. First, I would like for us to entertain serious discussion on the issue of finances, specifically how to address our deficiency in that regard (our own “fiscal cliff” approacheth in 2013). Second, I would like for us to finalize discussion on the status of the club web site versus the Yahoo group.

Both of these issues affect every member, so I would encourage everyone to give thought to them in advance and attend the meeting. You will no doubt want your voice heard if any votes are taken. Also, I would suggest that we suspend our usual meeting style (one very loosely based upon Robert’s rules) and try to keep discussion more in line with parliamentary procedure so that everyone will have a chance to speak their mind. I’d also suggest that we ask members to keep comments to no more than 2 minutes so things will flow smoothly. Heck, we could even hash out some of the discussion here (gasp!)

I’m certain that we’ll also need to discuss WPX RTTY, but that should take little time as the group that is going seems to have things well in hand. That could be our first topic so we can get it out of the way.

Comments? Suggestions?


Pat, NG1G

3 comments on “Next Meeting

  1. On the issue of Club finances: I would like to discourage the club from instituting annual dues. I’d rather try a request for voluntary donations and see if enough money comes in to support our needs. As an aside, i’m not sure what the club needs for revenue or what it spends annually. If requests for donations are unsuccessful, then membership dues can always be started.

    The unintended consequences of a formal dues program are: more record keeping (both financial and membership), annual dues notices, dunning members who do not pay, and more.

  2. I think I agree with K1JSM. I’m not sure how much the club needs to fulfill its obligations, but I can’t imagine it’s a lot (of course “a lot” is a relative term). I think contributions would be a good way to start and see if we can make it. If not, maybe dues would be required. I think that it’s in the club’s best interest to continue providing plaques for contests. It’s good PR.
    If a contribution is made to the club is it tax deductable (at least with the current tax laws)? That might be an incentive.
    Chris, KA1GEU

  3. I agree with both John and Chris that dues are not the most desired method of obtaining revenue, and short of criminal activity may be the least desired. The one problem with requesting voluntary donations is that you can wind up with a minority of members paying for everyone. A few years ago we had some members make some significant contributions to the club. It was greatly appreciated of course but it’s not a very egalitarian way to finance a club.

    One of the plus sides of dues is that everyone has some “skin in the game,” but I don’t know what actual impact that might have.

    Our annual expenditures, of which 90+ percent are for plaques, come to around $700 I think, maybe a little more. If we assume 20 active members (which may be a stretch), that’s $35 per member. If we run short of money after requesting donations, we could always review our plaque donations and see if there’s one or two we would be willing to give up, although I’m not favoring that idea. Otherwise, we can take John’s and Chris’ suggestions and implement dues to make up the remainder.

    The problem with doing it that way is every year we put our hand out for “voluntary donations”, see what we get (likely from the same people), and then hit up the rest of the membership for the balance. I’d personally rather just know how much money the club needs from me every year and write a check. I get significantly more than $35 worth of value from being a member, so dues near that amount would be fine with me. With so few members I’m not certain the record-keeping would be that difficult, and most members would probably pay their dues in a timely manner.

    I’d also like to add, at risk of making this comment entirely too long, that if we have members who cannot afford the dues in whole or in part, they should be able to go to one of the officers and just ask to be excused from paying them or to pay a reduced amount. For some, $35 or so may be too much money, and I’d hate to think we’d let personal finances stand in the way of keeping a member.

    I have other ideas but in the interest of space will reserve them for later.

    Pat, NG1G

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