Next Meeting

Some of our members may not know that due to the holidays, for the last several years we have not had a meeting in December. I would imagine this year will be no different, and that the next meeting will be sometime in January.

I would like to suggest two topics for the next meeting, whenever it occurs. First, I would like for us to entertain serious discussion on the issue of finances, specifically how to address our deficiency in that regard (our own “fiscal cliff” approacheth in 2013). Second, I would like for us to finalize discussion on the status of the club web site versus the Yahoo group.

Both of these issues affect every member, so I would encourage everyone to give thought to them in advance and attend the meeting. You will no doubt want your voice heard if any votes are taken. Also, I would suggest that we suspend our usual meeting style (one very loosely based upon Robert’s rules) and try to keep discussion more in line with parliamentary procedure so that everyone will have a chance to speak their mind. I’d also suggest that we ask members to keep comments to no more than 2 minutes so things will flow smoothly. Heck, we could even hash out some of the discussion here (gasp!)

I’m certain that we’ll also need to discuss WPX RTTY, but that should take little time as the group that is going seems to have things well in hand. That could be our first topic so we can get it out of the way.

Comments? Suggestions?


Pat, NG1G

Yahoo! Group change of owner

Hi everyone,

Today I received an email from Yahoo! Groups customer support stating that I have been changed from Moderator to Owner of our group.

I don’t remember what we agreed would be the next step in the process of migrating completely away from the Yahoo! Group, but whatever it is I now have the ability to do what the club membership decides.

Oh, I forgot to say “thanks” to all those who voted for me…I think. Putting an end to the online meeting place that kept us together for so many years isn’t an enviable task, but I guess it’s better that one of the oldest active members of the club does it.


Pat, NG1G